Cooling & Warming Centers Information

City of Fresno

The City of Fresno operates community centers as warming and cooling centers according to the forecast issued by the National Weather Service’s San Joaquin Valley Office.

The city’s FAX bus system will provide free transportation along normal routes to the following facilities when operated as warming or cooling centers. View FAX bus schedules.

Available locations

Maxie L Parks Center
1802 E California Ave

Ted C Wills Community Center
770 N San Pablo

Mosqueda Community Center
4670 E Butler

Madera County

Call the Madera County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) of Emergency Services (559) 675-7770, or visit MCSO Office of Emergency Services for more information including special needs or a current list of Madera County cooling centers & hours.

Available locations

Sheriff's Office - Headquarters
2725 Falcon Drive, Madera

Sheriff's Office - Substation
48267 Liberty Drive, Oakhurst

Pan American Community Center (PACC)
703 Sherwood Way, Madera      

Madera Police Department
330 S. C Street, Madera

(Madera Metro offers rides to those in need of transportation to the PACC - See Madera City Cooling Center for details)

Chowchilla City Residents needing assistance during extreme hot weather are urged to call Chowchilla City Police at (559) 665-8600